Threads through Revelation

The book of Revelation is the last book in the Bible, and describes the extraordinary visions of John on the island of Patmos in the first century. In 22 chapters, about 20 pages, it packs in an extraordinary amount of images and ideas. It has inspired and challenged many artists over the centuries.

It includes some of the most visionary writing, some of the scariest, and some of the most confusing. So it’s not surprising that many people take a quick look at it and give up!

In 2013 Jacqui Parkinson became particularly drawn to it, and for three years and three months worked on a sequence of panels and a book which was completed in 2016.

Jacqui has done a great deal of research in order to present her own vision of Revelation – carefully thought through from heart and mind. When you get to see ‘Threads through Revelation’, you’ll probably be drawn in to the subject as never before . . . here are challenging images and thoughts, large over-arching themes about God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit – life and faith – good and evil – death and judgement – the New Heaven and New Earth and countless other extraordinary themes as recorded by John.

2024 Exhibition Dates

There’s a rare chance to see Threads through Revelation:
Victoria Methodist Church
1A Whiteladies Rd, Bristol Bristol, BS8 1NU
4 September – 14 October 2024

After that, Threads through Revelation will be appearing as part three
exhibitions – Threads through the Bible.

We went over at lunchtime and were completely blown away by the exhibition!  The book of Revelation opened in a new way for me today – the explanations by the side of each embroidery were most helpful – wow – such talent and depth of knowledge.

“We were able to visit Wells Cathedral to see your exhibition and frankly I was left speechless by the sheer beauty and skill displayed throughout your stunning masterpiece.”

“I recently saw your very powerful exhibition of ‘Threads through Revelation’ at Wells Cathedral – I spent ages looking at the different scenes, and found the experience deeply moving – thank you.”

“It struck me that the world feels a bit apocalyptic at the moment, and lots of people will tune into the themes because of this.”

“Just back from visiting Wells to see your exhibition WOW, it is so powerful and inspirational.”

“I have just come back from looking at the ‘Threads Through Revelation’ Exhibition. Absolutely fabulous!! The workmanship is extraordinary, but also I have begun to understand Revelation for the first time. I have always avoided Revelation if I can, as I really don’t understand it, but now it has been brought to life and I may even go and read it!”